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Christmas Cactus

Let's talk about sharing a great holiday plant. Christmas Cactus is a great pass along plant that everyone enjoys.

Place your Christmas Cactus in a bright but indirect light.

Keep the plant in a well-lit location (like near a window) away from direct sunlight – too much heat and light can stunt growth and burn the leaves. It should also be away from drafts, heat vents, fireplaces or other sources of hot air.

Move an indoors plant outdoors in summer to a shady location. It is best to keep in a normal house temperature range, about 65 to 75°F (18 to 20°C). However, cooler night temperatures can be used to initiate blooming

If it's in a north or east-facing window, you won't have to worry about light. But if it's in a south or west-facing window, diffuse the light with semi-transparent curtains or some other light-diffusing device.

Provide your Christmas Cactus with a source of humidity if you live in a dry

environment or have the heater going all winter.

A humidity tray can be placed in a waterproof saucer that is filled with gravel and

halfway filled with water. Place your plants pot on top of the gravel.

50 to 60% humidity is the ultimate goal.

Always make sure your plants have well-drained potting soil. Use a combination of potting soil and peat moss or perlite. Monitor your plant until it’s established – you’ll soon find a watering pattern.

Add fertilizer to assist plant growth. Follow the label directions for how much and how often to feed. Never fertilize more than 2 to 3 times a year.

Water a Christmas Cactus with care. Caring for this plant can be a bit tricky as you need to take care not to overwater or underwater it: If the soil gets too dry, the flowers buds will drop and your plant will wilt. Use your finger to test the soil for dryness.

Too much water will cause your plant to rot and leaves will start to fall off. Less water is better than too much water. Be careful. Water the cactus based on your environment and the time of year.

STOP watering around October – wait until November to water lightly. Encourage the flower blooming for the holiday season by lowering the temperature. This plant is thermo-photoperiodic, it will set buds when day length is about equal to night length and when the temperature drops to 50 to 60 degrees F for several weeks. You could also put your plant in a dark room during the night. Uninterrupted dark periods will help the buds form. When you see flower buds appear, increase light and humidity.

Your plant is ready to bloom for Christmas.

After the holidays are over – start propagation of your Christmas Cactus by cutting Y-shaped sections of the stem. Allow each section to dry for a few hours before pushing them into a 3-inch pot that contains the same potting soil as the parent plant. Plant halfway down the first segment and water sparingly to prevent rot from developing. Six to eight weeks you’ll have a well rooted plant ready to repot and share with friends.

For more details contact your

local Master Gardeners.

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