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Being a Mentor to help Motivate New Master Gardeners

We know our new class has a strong interest in gardening because they have time committed to training and volunteer hours. We need to help them take the next step forward to put that training to use. We need to help them feel welcome and fit in ASAP.

men•tor [men-tawr, -ter] noun 

1. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.
2. an influential senior sponsor or supporter.

1. adviser, master, guide, preceptor.,

We need your support to work with our Class of 2014! It helps to place the right person in the right job. So we need to find out their strong points and assist them in achieving goals. Self-actualization is helping them find how they fit into the grand puzzle. If the work satisfies this new class they will be an asset to the program and will return to continue working on future projects and building our Association. By helping them take an active part from the start (no matter how small) they will be motivated to succeed and want to continue to increase their goals and gain valuable experience. 
It’s always nice to have a friend when you’re new to a program. Be that special friend! Smile and introduce yourself to each person as our meetings. Remember they are invaluable, unpaid workers and an Extension representative just like we are! 




Keep communications open.,

Mentee: Be up front. Let your mentor know what your goals are and what you hope to take away from the program.
Mentor: Help your mentee set realistic expectations. Also, if you know you will be unavailable because of business or personal travel, let them know. Encourage them to attend each monthly meeting, get involved in different MG activities and work together. Show them the importance of being part of our group. 

Offer support - be a friend.,

Mentee: Remember that your mentor is there for you, but is only a guide.
Mentor: Encourage communication and participation. Help create a solid plan of action.

Define expectations.,

Mentee: Review your goals. Make sure your mentor knows what to expect from you.
Mentor: Help set up a system to measure achievement, entering hours together is a goal.

Maintain contact.,

Mentee: Be polite and courteous. Keep up with your e-mails and ask questions. Call when need questions answered. 
Mentor: Respond to your e-mails. Answer questions and provide advice, resources and guidance when appropriate. Return calls ASAP!

Actively participate.,

Mentee: Listen. Observe your mentor and become involved.
Mentor: Engage in your own learning while you are mentoring, collaborate on projects, ask questions and experiment. Follow the MG Manual. 

Be innovative and creative.,

Mentee: Offer ideas on what activities and exercises you can do together.
Mentor: Share your ideas, give advice and be a resource for new ideas.

Mentee and Mentor:,

Remember that people come from diverse backgrounds and experiences.Get to know each other on an individual basis. Sit together at the meetings, work together on projects, start new MG gardening projects together. 
Most of all have a wonderful time together and welcome all the Mentees to our Master Gardeners family. 


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