School Gardens Taking Root
School gardens have taken root here in Moore County and are teaching our children the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Over the last...

Getting Ready For Fall Gardening
September is a good time to set out landscape plants. Shop early to find the nicest shrubs. Make sure to check the roots and make sure...

Late Summer Cuttings
Late summer gardens seem to be in transition right before Fall. It’s hot even blistering out with rain and bugs that bound. Weeds are...

Butterflies in Your Own Backyard!
Butterflies in Your Backyard - Urban Wildlife The following is excerpted from the wonderful brochure entitled “Butterflies in your...

More on Companion Planting
Companion planting is a famous ancient art that is part of comprehensive garden development. Defined as the assortment of certain crop...

Companion Planting
Corn, beans, and squash are called the “three sisters.” Native Americans always inter planted this trio. The vegetable trio sustained the...

Planting to Attract Birds to Your Yard
The silence of winter is broken by the chattering of birds when spring arrives. The need to start the cycle of life begins again with...

Love that Red! Summer is here and so are tomatoes! Three concise steps to keep them growing all season: First off tomato plants are...

“Let’s Get Our Hands Dirty!”
Growing winter vegetables in the winter can be.… no wait a minute. It’s spring! What’s more, maybe you would like to grow flowers,...

Spinach For Family & Friends
Hello Gardening Enthusiasts! If you have a taste for spinach, and can think of numerous ways of enjoying it, please read on! Spinach is...